How do we sell your Washington DC Home?

The process can be daunting even if you’ve done this before or this is your first time selling your home in Washington, D.C. There are nearly 200 actions involved when selling a home. Whether writing a contract, tracking contingencies, doing inspection follow-up, or helping secure a lender, you want a checklist-oriented person to ensure aContinue reading “How do we sell your Washington DC Home?”

September Home Maintenance Checklist

Fall is around the corner, so it is not too early to start prepping for cooler weather. Take advantage of these last warm, sunny days to tackle these tasks in and around your home. Be sure you are prepared for that first cold spell that hits Washington, DC! If you are going to hire professionals, do it now! Later on, you’ll be competing with other homeowners for the best roofers, handypeople, and yard services. When service providers’ schedules fill up, costs go up, and good pros are hard to find.If you are going to hire professionals, do it now! Later on, you’ll be competing with other homeowners for the best roofers, handypeople, and yard services. When service providers’ schedules fill up, costs go up, and good pros are hard to find. For real estate needs contact us

Back-to-School With No Stress? Make It Happen!

When the warm summer months begin to wind down and the days become shorter, you can almost smell it in the air that back-to-school is here! And just as fall and cooler weather approach, so does back-to-school anxiety. Between kids fearing they’ll miss the bus and won’t make new friends, and parents feeling stressed aboutContinue reading “Back-to-School With No Stress? Make It Happen!”

August Home Maintenance Checklist

The dog days of summer have arrived, and Labor day is just around the bend! It’s the end of yet another epic season in the sun. Before giving your Flamingo pool float one last hurrah, take a break with some home maintenance preparation for the changing of the season! Check Your Washing Machine Connections KidsContinue reading “August Home Maintenance Checklist”

DC-Flavored Ways To Celebrate The Fourth Of July!

Enjoy Independence Day in the nation’s capital with fantastic fireworks and all-American activities! Washington, DC celebrates the Fourth of July with a bang every year! Here are some of our favorite selections. Watch The Fireworks Against The DC’s Horizon Of Monuments & Memorials! One of the high points of Independence Day in Washington, DC, isContinue reading “DC-Flavored Ways To Celebrate The Fourth Of July!”

Get Smart At Home

Smart home technology is already one of the fastest-growing trends in home design. Still, smart home technology will soon move from a ‘plus’ to a ‘must.’ No longer seen as a fad, smart technology provides convenience and helps improve health and safety within your home. Here are a few easy, smart upgrades you can makeContinue reading “Get Smart At Home”

It’s Time For Spring Cleaning!

It’s Time For Spring Cleaning if you haven’t done it yet! The time of the year for a thorough cleaning that you don’t have time for regularly! If the task appears too large, why not break it up into several weekends so you don’t become swamped. One of the reasons to conduct intensive spring cleaningContinue reading “It’s Time For Spring Cleaning!”

Why Do You Need To Seek Preapproval & Its Advantages

One surefire way to reduce stress during home buying is to seek pre-approval, actually applying for a loan before finding a house. The loan agent creates a credit package that includes a loan application, credit report, income and asset information, and supporting documentation. You present these records to prospective lenders who underwrite the file, issuingContinue reading “Why Do You Need To Seek Preapproval & Its Advantages”

What is the Debt-To-Income Ratio

You will hear many jargons when you’re ready to buy a house. One term you’ll hear a lot is debt-to-income ratios. If you’re not a math wizard, such terminology can sound intimidating, but it doesn’t need to. Debt-to-income ratios are simple to calculate and use to your advantage, even figuring out how much you canContinue reading “What is the Debt-To-Income Ratio”

Home Maintenance For May

We have been fantasizing about it for months! And finally, the warmer weather has arrived! We know you are excited to work on your tans and fire up your grill-we do too! But before you kick back in your hammock, there are a few tasks you need to tackle to make your home safer forContinue reading “Home Maintenance For May”

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